Top Five things you can do to help your childs eczema

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If you are caring for a child with eczema you already know how frustrating it can be to try and help soothe and care for them when a lot of times these "eczema flares" seem to come out of nowhere with no warning and sometimes regardless of what you are doing on a daily basis! 

No more fear though because we have been helping our child Jackson for the last 7 years and his Eczema was really bad and through trial and error we have figured out the best practices for maximizing your chances for keeping the eczema away! :)

Top ten things to help eczema
Jackson Eczema bad
top ten things to help eczema
Jackson eczema better

<-- Jackson when his eczema was
flaring bad and infected. :(

                   Jackson when we were using all the tools and techniques listed below!



*Some of these tips may seem simple but please do not disregard or think any of these steps do not apply to you as they all build on each other- these tips and techniques have been collected from top pediatric dermatologists, visits to childrens hospitals, extensive research and trial and error.

#1  Take care of your clothes and fragrances.

Simple step-big results. Have you child wear 100% cotton which is a fabric that lets the skin breath. Eliminate all scented detergents and dryer sheets and replace them with a fragrance free detergent like Seventh Generation or All Free and Clear. You can replace your dryer sheets with Dryer Balls that will also save you money!

#2 Keep the Air in your house and bedroom at around 50% humidity 

Heat in the winter and air conditioning in the summer can wreak havoc on your skin by drying it out. Here is the pro tip- not all humidifiers are created equal and the cheap ones usually break or end up spreading bacteria airborne and make your problem worse. Get a proven high quality humidifier like the Aerus Powerpure which is incredible!

#3 Skip the Bleach bath and do a baking soda bath!

We did many bleach baths which seemed to temporarily help and then would end up drying out our sons skin. When we met with our first pediatric dermatologist she told us about baking soda baths in the place of bleach baths and I really did not believe that something so simple would have such dramatic results. Here is the process- Fill your tub 3/4 full with luke warm water and mix in 2 tablespoons of Arm & Hammer Baking soda. DO NOT use any soaps of any kind just use a soft cotton wash cloth and let you child soak for 10-15 minutes. You will need to wash you childs hair so do that last and ONLY use this shampoo called Free and Clear Shampoo. When you take your child out of the bath the only thing you need is Vaseline- the kind with no fragrance of any kind- just 100% pure petroleum jelly. Pat your child dry and leave some water on their skin so when you put on the Vaseline from HEAD to TOE (liberally) it will seal in the moisture which is key! If you doctor has prescribed any medications that work for you- you can spot treat with those.

#4 100% Organic cotton pajamas are a must
They are super soft, breathable and help with the absorption of the sealed in moisture because they are worn snug fitted and never get too hot. We love Hatley and Masala which are really nice.

#5 Stress and lack of sleep is a big contributor to auto-immune diseases like Eczema

We have found that having a consistent bedtime, keeping his room between 68-70 degrees and using a sound machine built into a stuffed animal has been really soothing and helpful to maximizing sleep and reducing stress. We found the award winning sleep sound lamb to be a lifesaver.

By using all of the tips, techniques and products above we have seen a dramatic improvement with Jackson's eczema. We still have to be diligent with his bath routine but it is paying off big time!

We hope that this information is helpful to you.

Much love and blessings- Keri :)

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